But the debit interest rate for those clients who are unable to provide valid Letter of Authorization will remain unchanged. 而本公司对未能持有有效之股票抵押授权书之客户所收取的较高指定利息将维持不变。
This Letter of Authorization shall be effective upon signing and shall be valid and remain in full effect until the collection has been finally resolved. 本授权书经签署生效,其有效期至该商账追收完全结案时终止。
Legal representatives of existing clients who open it in person should provide the original ID card of the legal representative and the letter of authorization. 存量客户法定代表人亲自办理密码开通手续的,请提供法定代表人身份证原件及授权书;
If the chairman of the board of directors is appointed as the chief representative or representative, the letter of authorization shall be signed by no less than two members of the board of directors of the enterprise. 如董事长任首席代表或代表,其授权书必须由该企业董事会两名以上董事签署。
Its authorized representatives are fully authorized to sign this contract on its behalf ( the original of letter of authorization shall be submitted to another party for record); 其授权代表拥有充分授权代表其签署本合同(授权书正本交另一方存查);
The letter of attorney shall explicitly specify the scope of authorization granted to the authorized person. 授权书应当明确记载被授权人的权限范围。
Researches on the Legal System of Acquisition of Shareholders 'Letter of Authorization 征集股东委托书法律制度研究
The system of acquisition of shareholders 'letter of authorization is a new question for study in the fields of corporation law and securities law. 征集股东委托书制度是我国近年来公司法学界、证券法学界共同关注的一个新课题。
The Constitution is a letter of authorization from the people, thus the constitution is the law which controls the public authority and protects the people's right. 宪法是人民授权政府的一份授权委托书,因而宪法是控制公共权力的控权法,同时又是保护人民权利的保权法;